Vanderbilt University School of Medicine is a graduate medical school of Vanderbilt University located in Nashville, Tennessee. Located in the Vanderbilt University Medical Center on the southeastern side of the Vanderbilt University campus, the School of Medicine claims several Nobel laureates in the field of medicine. Through the Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network, VUSM is affiliated with over 60 hospitals and 5,000 clinicians across Tennessee and five neighboring states, managing more than 2 million patient visits each year. It is considered one of the largest academic medical centers in the United States and is the primary resource for specialty and primary care in hundreds of adult and pediatric specialties for patients throughout the Mid-South.
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- 2209 Garland Drive, Suite 224,Eskind Biomedical Library and Learning Center
Nashville, TN 37240
- 2209 Garland Drive, Suite 224,Eskind Biomedical Library and Learning Center
Nashville, TN 37240
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Undergraduate GPA Scores
Value & Affordability
$1,458,896Career value increase over 25 years with the primary degree from this school.
39%Of your projected salary will go toward student loan payments. (Above the recommended limit.)
Current salary
Current salary potential
Post-grad salary
Post-grad salary potential
Value & Affordability
$1,458,896Career value increase over 25 years with the primary degree from this school.
39%Of your projected salary will go toward student loan payments. (Above the recommended limit.)
Current salary
Current salary potential
Post-grad salary
Post-grad salary potential