Harvard Medical School (HMS) is the graduate medical school of Harvard University. It is located in the Longwood Medical Area of the Mission Hill neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1782, HMS is one of the oldest medical schools in the United States and is ranked first among research-oriented medical schools in the 2020 rankings of U.S. News and World Report. Unlike most other leading medical schools, HMS does not operate in conjunction with a single hospital but is directly affiliated with several teaching hospitals in the Boston area. The HMS faculty has approximately 2,900 full- and part-time voting faculty members consisting of assistant, associate, and full professors, and over 5,000 full- and part-time, non-voting instructors. The majority of the faculty receive their appointments through an affiliated teaching hospital.
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Undergraduate GPA Scores
Value & Affordability
$1,762,407Career value increase over 25 years with the primary degree from this school.
10%Of your projected salary will go toward student loan payments. (Below the recommended limit.)
Current salary
Current salary potential
Post-grad salary
Post-grad salary potential
Value & Affordability
$1,762,407Career value increase over 25 years with the primary degree from this school.
10%Of your projected salary will go toward student loan payments. (Below the recommended limit.)
Current salary
Current salary potential
Post-grad salary
Post-grad salary potential